
Good thing I have this obsession with “feng shui” because the past two days have been dedicated to decorating and rearranging my bedroom at home.

That’s right, home sweet home!

Whenever I come home, even if it is for the night, nostalgia takes over. It is kind of inevitable to miss being a kid. After a long day of work, errands and everything else, you don’t know how bad I want to run home, eat pizza rolls and watch cartoons like I used to. In the midst of unpacking, I move stuff into our crawl space (see: attic) and catch a glimpse of my Barbies, my action figures (I was at a cross roads of being a tom boy and a girly girl) and all of my Disney stuffed animals. The other day I took out some of my toys to go through and give to my little cousins and I couldn’t believe how fast time flies. Seriously. Growing up is gross.

Speaking of growing up, Seany is graduating college on Saturday. Waaah.


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