Can you hold this while I tickle you?


A little bit over 3 weeks until I move back to school for another year of classes. It is sickening how fast this summer flew by. Not to mention that in college I get out over a month earlier than I did in high school. Where does time go? I think of my schedule and it was pretty much the same week to week. Internship, work, workout, sleep, internship, work. Wash, rinse, repeat. For the first summer I revolved my social life around work. It used to be the other way around. Growing up… ugh! On the plus side, my internship is down at Progressive Field and my job is at an Indians Team Shop at a mall by me — my summer revolved around baseball. I didn’t mind that aspect one bit. Look, I even met Trevor Crowe!

Don’t we look like we love eachother? Chicka Chicka Yeah.

So on my many adventures through downtown Cleveland–walking across main streets, dodging traffic, playing Frogger– I find random city dwellers being total creeps. But in all reality– total confidence booster. So for all of you ladies out there who get disgusted when gross guys yell “hey sexy!” take it as a compliment.

my personal favorite was when a pizza delivery man tried handing me his pizza and said “can you hold this while i tickle you?” …score.

However, creeps like this ^^, well, there really aren’t words. Caught in creep mode. Cue “dinosaur” by ke$ha. (me&ashley)

Anyhoooo… I am making another out of the country venture this weekend. To Canada I go. I am going with 3 of my friends; Girls Weekend Out. We made a list of goals — karaoke being one. I know, I know… Cliche as ever. Ask me if I care. I can’t decide what song I want to do. Lately I have been loving on “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” Don’t ask me why because frankly I don’t know. Well, I guess it may be partially because Bonnie Taylor’s voice gets cracky (word?) and raspy when she tries to hit those high notes which is perfect for me because I can’t sing for nothin’.  I am also feeling “candy” by Mandy Moore. It came on my Ipod the other day and I had a blast singing it. Of course, my one friend and I were talking about doing the ever classic duet to A Whole New World which I am beyond stoked for. Howeverrrrrrrr, what I am MOST EXCITED for is this :

Yes, that is a screen capture from SEX AND THE CITY 2 — where the girls get up on stage and sing I AM WOMAN. You can bet your bottom dollar that me and my friends will be up on stage performing this at one point or another. I love me some SATC. But if you have any karaoke suggestions for me please let me know 🙂

Go visit I promise you that you will cry — a good cry though. I did. I recommended this site via Twitter and I received some great feedback. I have been obsessed with blogs lately; I can’t get enough. My love for social media has been growing at an incredible rate. Crazinessssss!

Hey Clevelanders, have you ever been down to the West Side Market? It is one of those places that you can’t help but love.  It is down in the “Market District” of Cleveland. I try to get down there at least once a year and Saturday mornings are the best. I love walking through the fruit and vegetable stands. It is so crowded and everyone is yelling but it truly is a great atmosphere. If you go down to the end of the stands you see someone selling all of these gorgeous fresh flowers. I want flowers so bad. I don’t care how cliche they are, you can never go wrong with fresh flowers. [side note, whenever I go to Boston there is a flower store on basically every corner and its so dang cute. Imagine someone just walking home from work and grabbing some daisies for their love 🙂 how cute!] So once you’re done picking out some of your favorite fruits and veggies you venture inside where you see this!:

Fresh meat, ohh yeah. Other than that you can choose from a variety of fresh homemade foods–anything you can think of!– beef jerky, pierogies, desserts, candy, BUBBLE TEA, and more! I love it! And oftentimes on weekends during the summer there are arts and craft shows and concerts and stuff across the street in the square. It is a beautiful Saturday morning getaway. I encourage you to try it.

Also this past weekend I made it to my first ever golf outing. Boyfriend competed in a tournament at Manakiki in Willoughby Hills. Don’t get me wrong, I love sports, but golf has never really been my forte. However, Boyfriend loves golf and I love Boyfriend… therefore, I need to love golf. It was actually a good time. He is an amazing golfer; I really do enjoy watching him.

Happy Humpday everyone. Watch HOT IN CLEVELAND tonight!

Move over Drew Carey, here come the cougars.

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday.

Yay for part-time jobs where a Thursday=Friday. Technically.

Yay also for the horrible headache I have right now because I have made a not-so-solid attempt at giving up coffee. Yeah, it can’t happen. I drink a cup a day–when I wake up. Then, on days that I work, I drink one more, maybe two.  The other day I had this “brilliant” idea to cut back– #dietattempt. Who said doing things cold turkey was easy? Posers. I quit with the morning coffee because the way my mom brews it requires a load of sugar. So now, by the time I get downtown to work, my head is aching and I just need my coffee. Slowly but surely, right? Give me an A for effort.

So I am not much of a TV gal. I enjoy a few shows here and there, and sometimes I will watch a little TV when I have time to kill. Other than that, I am not one of those HAVE TO GET HOME BY 9 EVERY THURSDAY kind of chick.  However, much to my dismay, I have a new TV show obsession. Great. Not like I need another one. I am obsessed with Gilmore Girls and Sex and the City. I own both of the shows’ entire series on DVD and that is all I watch. When I am getting ready, it is on. Before bed, it is on. You get the picture. Anyways, I am newly obsessed with Hot In Cleveland. Now, thanks to DVR, I do not fall into the category of people who need to rush home at 10 every Wednesday to watch it.

But anyways, back to the show. When I found out there was a new show based in Cleveland I was pumped. I am a Cleveland girl. Born & raised baby, and I could not be more proud. Cleveland has really been making its rounds in the media lately. Of course with all that hype about that one basketball player ? and then you know, with it being baseball season my Indians are all over. But then the big CLE made its debut on Burt the Conqueror — well, Cedar Point did anyways — and then Man v. Food also came and roamed about, eating everything in sight. My city is getting popular!

Wow, do I get off topic or what? Back to my show. I was more than pumped to find out there was a new sitcom coming out about Cleveland. Then I found out Betty White was going to be on it. See, I’ve never been one of those “OMG I LOVE BETTY WHITE” people. I didn’t tune in and watch her on SNL nor did I ever watch an episode of the Golden Girls. I am a Golden Girls virgin. There are two things I don’t find funny – babies and old people. Anyways, I then found out the show was going to be on TV Land. Greaaaat. See ya, excitement. But, being the true CLE lover that I am, I tuned in to watch the first episode.

About 5 weeks ever, Hot In Cleveland is my new favorite show. I am obsessed. Wanna know something funny? Betty White KILLS ME. She is great. Every other old person on that show is hilarious too! Totally proved my theory wrong about how old people can’t be funny. I love it.

Well, I do wish it was filmed in Cleveland. Sadly it is filmed in LA in front of a live studio audience. Blah. But I do love the references. Some are cliché, sure… “Hey I am going to the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame!” Seriously, do you know how many Clevelanders have not set foot inside of that museum? A lot. Yeah, sure, we have this great place in our city and we take it for granted by not going inside, but that is just what people do. Complain about what we don’t have and take what we do have for granted. (For the record, I have been to the Rock Hall plenty of times.)

Also, the show has had some wrong references. Newman guest starred as a columnist for the Plain Dealer (PD LOVE!) and he said he went fishing and caught some random kind of fish in Lake Erie (Muskie? Does that sound right?). Hellooo, Walleye? Perch? Something that Clevelanders actually catch and eat?

All in all, above comments pushed aside, I love it. The jokes are hysterical! There are so many perverted jokes and those are my favorite. Even Betty is talking about “going downtown” and it kills me every time. Wanna know something awesome? It is produced by Sean Hayes. (Jack from Will&Grace for all of you who do not respect gay television). He is one of the funniest actors in my opinion. That explains it. Another thing I love is how good of actresses they all are. If something funny happens, they all laugh. It is such a real laugh like real people do. I love it. I love the relationship between them too.

I love Valerie Bertinelli. Love, love love. She is gorgeous and hilarious. I find myself most like her character because she always ends up in the most outrageous situations. Stuff like that happens to me ALL THE TIME. Also, she is a hopeless romantic on the lookout for love. That is the whole reason she was going to Paris (how they ended up in CLE). She also wrote a book about the list of things she wants to accomplish in her lifetime. She is brilliant. But seriuosly, I’d love to look like Valerie Bertinelli (post Jenny Craig) when I am her age.

I also love Jane Leeves. Her accent is so amazing and she is gorgeous and hilarious as well. Her style is probably the best on the show, although maybe she can cut her hair just a bit. No joke, she can easily pass as 35 years old and she is almost 50. Her character also loves to drink. In one scene she is so drunk she grabs a hamburger off the bar because she thinks its “free hamburger night.” when really it is someone’s dinner. Love it.

Wendie Malick… well… at first I was not a fan. I did not like her in Just Shoot Me and I thought I wouldn’t like her in Hot In Cleveland. But I fell in love with her. She dresses and acts a little young for her age, but she does it well. Not too many older women can pull off sex jokes and personal matter jokes (waxing, for example) and not gross people out. Not to mention she has an amazing body for her age. Kudos to you Wendie.

Betty White…Oh Betty. 90% of her scenes have me literally laughing out loud. No joke.

Hot In Cleveland always has random guest stars. As I said earlier Newman was on an episode as a writer from the PD (Wayne Knight) and there have been many others. Word on the street is a Jonas Brother will be playing Melanie’s son (Valerie Bertinelli). Also, TV Land hosts contests every week to win some HIC merch. You bet I enter these contests.

This Secret Window Johnny Depp wannabe is going to be the guest star. OMG A JOBRO IN CLEVELAND? (gag)

So, now that you have read all this, tune in to TV Land Wednesdays at 10. Reruns are always on. Check it out if you want a good laugh!

Have a good weekend 🙂 and to all of you who have to work tomorrow— think of me laying by the pool catchin some UV rays.