No more sexting.

What…a weekend.

Saturday was just one big chill-sesh. Football, Jimmy Johns, friends and sleep. Wonderful.

Saturday night, however, was the exact opposite of chill. The girls and I went out for a night on the town (Alliance, pfft!), cabs and all. Yes, I even yelled, “Cabs are here!” when the taxi arrived at the party to pick us up (talk about leaving in style!). The night was just one big adventure; it usually is that way when Shannon and I go out together.

Today, as the title of this post suggests, was the weirdest day ever.

Sure, it started out normal… Sleep in, get Dunkin’ Donuts, reminisce about last night, yada yada yada… Then things took a turn.

As I’m laying in bed, I receive a picture message from a number I did not recognize. It was a big ass, sorry to be so blunt, lol, it just makes the story better. Imagine my surprise. I figure it’s just one of those chain-jokes and I just didn’t have my friend’s number in my phone. I replied with, “Um, who is this?!” and, while expecting an answer like “Jim! Sorry I got a new phone!” I got “OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY! I DIALED THE WRONG NUMBER” Umm… Hello. I was a victim of wrong-number-sexting. So, I didn’t wanna not respond and make them nervous, so I said, “Oh, that’s awkward! lol,” ya know, hoping they’d realize I wasn’t offended. They texted back AGAIN saying “OMG! SMH! I am soooo sorry!” As if that wasn’t enough, the chick even called me a few minutes later to apologize again. Talk about hilarious. It took a few minutes for me to realize how funny it really was. Awkward! Poor thing. Lesson learned: No more sexting. Well, if you’re gonna do it, MAKE SURE YOU TYPE IN THE RIGHT NUMBER.

Next I went to edit my page for the newspaper. My inner-perfectionist came out of it’s hiding place because it took me over 2 and a half hours to make my page fit my standards. A job well done! I am doing a weekly column called “The road to success,” with little steps each week on how to better yourself as a worker. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in a comment!

So, as my weird day continues, I’m on my way to WRMU for our retreat when I stop and get gas at Sheetz. As I’m pumping my gas, this drunk, scary townie comes up and starts begging me for money and cigarettes while yelling and slurring at me. I was actually scared for my life. I noticed him earlier talking to every girl at different pumps but it didn’t seem like anything at first. He kept getting really close to me and I was seriously debating running inside but I didn’t wanna leave my car. He even moved in so close to “fist pump” and I feel like all the soap in the world couldn’t clean my hand. I kept looking at the numbers on the gas pump waiting until it was done because I was going to run inside and have the workers call the police or something; I’m not exaggerating when I say this dude was a creep! Luckily, a Sheetz worker was just getting to work and pulled in the parking lot right then and there because he came over to save me and he ended up calling the police on his own. What… a day.

Our WRMU shin-dig was next and we just spent a few hours at the station eating, hangin out and getting some work done. The long day is finally over and I am tired as hell. Thank God for MLK Day being tomorrow because I get the day off, again! What a college kid I am, drinking water and blogging while everyone else is drinking beer and playing pong. Pfft.

I like weird days like today because they make for good stories 🙂

Spread the love 🙂


Turn around bright eyes

First week = fabulous.

I couldn’t be more excited.

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, last semester was a drag! However, this semester turned around and it couldn’t really get any better!

In my last post, I summed up what was only the first day of the spring semester. If you couldn’t tell, it was a pretty positive post. Well, the rest of the week only went up.

Tuesday I had my ticket sales class (Kudos to me for FINALLY not scheduling a 7:45am class!) and I loved it. I get to kind of work with the Indians (so obviously right there I’m automatically obsessed) and I even get to take a field trip down there next week for a ticket sales workshop. How exciting 🙂

The rest of the week was filled with meetings, classes, work and other random happenings but I loved every minute of it.

Us directors at WRMU had our first meeting of the semester on Tuesday. We gave our station manager his Christmas gift, which was a calendar filled with all kinds of pictures of WRMU from the past year or so, and he was crazy about it. We discussed some plans for the semester and everything seems to be going great. The only downer is our Sports Director, Jesse, is venturing off to DC this semester so he won’t be around for the next 15 weeks… sadface.

Our first radio show of the semester was Tuesday night from 10-12… If you’re new to this blog and are unfamiliar, my best friend and I have a radio show every Tuesday night on WRMU… “Late Night Jams with Shan & Sam.” Our format is called “The I-Pod Shuffle” because we play, well, anything and everything. I’ll post a link on Tuesday so you can tune in!

Wednesday we had our first AWS meeting which was kind of just a cluster of ideas for upcoming events, and then after that I met with Rachel to discuss my presidency for PRSSA! We went over the basics and I learned a lot about the organizations and within the next two weeks we’re going to start up again for the semester.

So, as you know, the snow has been a-fallin’…. Well, this may or may not surprise you, but I slipped approximately 3 times on Wednesday, resulting in a pulled muscle/pinched nerve in my back. Um, can you say OUCH!? Yeah, as you can imagine, outside of work@WRMU and class on Thursday, I spent basically the whole day in bed with a heating pad and Advil. It is now Saturday morning and it still hurts. What gives?

Friday was a great day. Not only was it great because, well, it was Friday, but it was just a good day all around. It was the wrap-up to a good week, everyone was in a great mood, I had a date coming up at night with Sean, and everything else was just great. Shannon and I walked out of our Advanced PR class to find Sean’s best friend Andy cleaning the giant fish tank in our science building, and he let me go up there with him and pet the fish. Random? Then after that, Kelly and I went to Marc’s and got some cute leather jackets (that were originally from Target!) and they were 2 for $5! Bargain!

My date night with Sean consisted of stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut with  Cheesy Bread from Little Caesar’s, Throwback Pepsi, Anchorman and Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Sometimes, those laid-back date nights are the best.

Let me tell you, left over stuffed crust pizza makes a great breakfast 😉

Sorry I am lacking juicy stories for the week! I’ll try to stir up something for my next post!

P.S. Check out @LaBellaCupcakes on Twitter! A follower of mine/I’m a follower; great person!  But I just saw them on the morning news! Kudos!

Have a fabulous weekend, everybody!

Spread the love!


Spring semester begins…

Wow, I sure am energetic and happy for a Monday afternoon. Maybe because I know that in approximately 30 minutes I will be cuddled up in my bed for an afternoon nap (I love college) or maybe it is because I had a great first day back.

Rewind a few months: First semester SUCKED. I knew from day one that it was going to be horrible. The syllabi/syllabuses  (I’ve never had to write that out; Google gave me both options) were so overwhelming, my schedule was maxed out and I was stressed every day.

However, day one of this semester gave me some ease because I am not the least bit overwhelmed, in fact, I am really excited. My day started off with Business and Technical Writing, and, as you may know, I truly enjoy writing so that won’t bother me a bit. I also have had this professor for a previous class (Got an A, thank you) and I like her a lot. It was  a nice surprise to see that Shannon is in that class with me too, who knew? I’m also excited because I have a few other friends in there too.

Second was a class that is designed for juniors in the communication department and it’s called Communication Theories and it’s just pretty in depth learning about, well, communication. Well, seeing as that is my major I think it’s a good fit.

I then have a philosophy class which, well, when I signed up for it I was really excited because philosophy happens to be a topic I enjoy. However, the professor seems to be a total bore; I zoned out for 50 minutes today while he went over our syllabus, but at least it’ll be interesting stuff to read about.

Next is what I think will be my favorite class, Advanced Public Relations; right up my alley! We’re going to be in groups for the whole semester and create a firm and work with local area businesses as their, well, PR Firms. As if I am not on PR overload as it is! Keep it comin’!

I am going to wait a week or two to start with our PRSSA meetings; there are a few things I have to do yet, plus I want everyone else to settle in with their schedules. I hate when organizations schedule meetings the first week back (not to mention the first day! I have three tonight! UGH! Would have been 4 if I scheduled PRSSA!)

Tonight Sean’s coming over for dinner and then I have Studio M Television meeting, followed by Dynamo Editors and then the Dynamo staff… Remember the Monday-Night-Line Up? I’m debating whether or not to move PRSSA to another day. Either be convenient and have it all on the same night so we can just get it out of the way or make people come out in the cold twice a week? Decisions, decisions.

I am foreseeing a good turnout for PRSSA this semester because my Advanced PR professor encouraged our class to all join and some people seemed very excited. #dreambig, my friend.

Tomorrow I only have one class and it is Sales and Marketing of Sports — yes! We actually get to work with the Indians and do ticket sales! I am pumped.

Speaking of the Indians, The Fun Bunch has some appearances at the end of the month at different malls around the area! I am so excited! So I’ll give you more details as it comes closer and you should definitely come visit me if you’re near by.

Speaking of the Fun Bunch… well, two things. 1- we got a new sponsor, yeee. 2- we figured out housing situations for next year and I am going to be living with two of my friends from the good ol’ FB. YAY! Don’t get me wrong, I’m gonna miss the girls I live with now but I hope hope hope we stay close!

Anyhoo, I hope you’re all having as fabulous of a day as I am! Let’s just hope this happiness continues!

Spread the love and happiness!


Inspiration at its finest!

I love how I’m almost addicted to blogging… Whenever something happens that is blog-worthy all I think about is how I am going to write it later.

We’ve been having weird noises come from our furnace and humidifier lately, so my mom called to have a repairman come look at it. I was annoyed as hell when my mom called me at 9 o’clock this morning to tell me I have to get up and wait for them to come — did I mention today is my last day to sleep in because I have to return to my hectic schedule at school? Important key note.

Well anyhoo, long story short, the guy came to fix it, blah blah blah. He was friendly to an extent; not too much but not mean, either. We communicated when he would tell me what was wrong and that something called a “Water Panel” was missing and then he asked me if we had extra filters…  Hoping that he wasn’t judging me for my lack of house-hold appliance knowledge, I just carried on watching Boy Meets World on DVR upstairs and went down to talk to him when he needed me.

As he was leaving, he decided to make some small talk with me, ya know, “Where do you go to school?” “What are you studying?” “What do you want to do?”

After giving him my response, “Communication and sport business; I really want to do public relations, promotions or marketing for a sports team,” he proceeded to pause, take off his glasses, set his equipment down and give me some heart felt advice.

The first sentence out of his mouth (of course after saying “This is none of my business, this is coming from my heart.”) was

“First,  you just have to find out who you are. After that, anything is possible.”

He went on about how it is important to find out what makes you you and that you have to shine through to show everyone who you are. He told me that I can’t act different around different people, I have to find out exactly who I am and show everyone that.

You might be thinking, “Yeah, find  yourself, never heard that one before,” because that is definitely the first thought that went through my head. But seriously, it was so sincere and heartfelt I decided to give his shpiel a listen.

He told me that he understands his job is only minuscule and he is fine with that. He said the most important thing he learned through his work is that he deals with all different kinds of people everyday; he goes from shacks in the ghetto to mansions on the lake, yet he is always himself. He used to try to fit in with the people he was working for but it never made him happy. Once he realized who he was he started enjoying it more and he found that he got along with anyone because he was never fake.

This lead him to a quote,

“I don’t tell the truth because I am a bad liar; I tell the truth because I have a bad memory.”

He then explained that you should not be fake just to please certain people; when you are yourself, the people who count will like you for that. He told me that once you figure everything out, you’ll start living. When you’re living, you have fun, and it’s most important to have fun because, one day, you won’t be able to.

After apologizing for going off on a tangent, he told me the reason he gave me that heart-felt shpiel was because he wants me to be successful (yes, he included because it’s us who will be paying his social security, lol) and it’s those little tips you don’t learn in school that take you where you’re supposed to go.

Talk about an inspiring morning.

Spread the love and the inspiration today.


Blog to blog.

Did you watch Modern Family tonight? If not, go to and catch up — well, not yet because it’s not up 😛 but ASAP! Hilarious episode, as always. I am kind of over Cougar Town because it gets cheesier and cheesier every week. However, Hot In Cleveland starts back up on the 19th so Wednesday nights are about to be even more phenomenal.

I always get these random urges of spontaneity and chop of a couple inches of my hair. You can bet on it that that’s what I did today! I was trying to grow it out to try something different and impress people but, in reality, it’s up to me, no one else. So, goodbye hair. Plus, I like the new style a lot.

The past couple of days have been laid-back but fun. I told you already how Alison and I went and visited our Alma Mater, that was a blast. That night was spent catching up with Holly. Tuesday I went out to Beachwood and met up with Shannon and then met my friend Alyssa and got some Starbucks. A lot of friend-time squeezed in. Today I had to take my car in to get serviced and the boys washed her up and now she looks all prettty again!

While I was in the waiting room at the dealership, something on whatever TV show the other people were watching said something about how Ryan Reynolds is rumored to be (already) dating Sandra Bullock. Hello, he just broke up with Scarlett… isn’t it my turn?

I really am learning a lot lately; both about myself and just about I guess life in general. I got a new issue of Glamour in the mail today with a bunch of articles that totally hit home. I have so much on my mind and if I type it all out I will sound just like a pathetic whiny girl and I don’t want to, so I’ll just keep it at that. Oh well!

I watched The Notebook last night and that added on to my list of thoughts… How depressing is that movie, for real? No, I am not just talking about the horrible “our love is a miracle let”s die together” scene at the end that leaves us all crying our eyes out every time… I am talking about how whenever we watch that movie we can’t help but feel bad for ourselves because we know that a love like that can only be in a Nicholas Sparks movie.  ::sigh:: Don’t get me wrong; I am a firm believer in true love and in soul mates…that stuff used to overload my brain because I always lived in this fantasy world. Maybe I am just getting introduced to reality.

There wasn’t much of a point to tonight’s blog; I was just in the mood to write a little. I might take a little vacation from blogging until I have something a little bit more interesting to write about.

I head back to school on Sunday and start another semester on Monday. On a bright note, however, I received an email from our former PRSSA President that was to me, our NEW PRSSA President, and she started off the email so cute, “Hello Ms. President!” How legit, right? 🙂

spread the love.


Resolutions for the ladies

One of my friends posted this on her Facebook wall the other day and I find it really funny because it is so true and represents girls everywhere.

“We Will Quit Sexting”: 25 Dating and Love Resolutions for the Ladies in 2011

1. We will not call, text or Facebook him twice in a row. No matter how desperate we are to hear from him. (Remember that little word, desperate.)

2. We’ll give Mr. Nice Guy a chance. And give Mr. Bad Boy the boot.

3. We’ll teach Nice Guy a few of Bad Boy’s bedroom moves.

4. We will not shave our legs before a first date. (We’ve finally learned not to trust ourselves to make him earn it; we need a little insurance policy.)

Read For a Better Relationship, Postpone Sex!

5. We will get friskier with our boyfriends/husbands; occasionally even in a public place (or on a public mode of transportation).

6. We won’t abandon the rest of our lives (including friends and family) just because we’ve met someone new.

7. When he sends us a one-sentence email, we will not respond with 10 paragraphs, two YouTube videos and three photo attachments. From here on, he gets fewer syllables than he sent.

8. We will smile at handsome strangers on a daily basis.

9. We will list d-bag dates in our iPhones by their character flaws. We’ll never again accept calls from “Only Dials Me When He’s Drunk Dan,” “Still-Married Marcus” or “Broke My Heart Twice Ted.”

10. We will stop telling ourselves we are too old, too plump, too skinny, too busy, too boring or too short for love. Self-love begets other-love.

11. We will quit sexting cold turkey.

12. We will make a habit of slapping on some lipstick and a smile before we walk out the door. Mr. Right could be waiting on the elevator. (Of course, if he’s truly Mr. Right, he’ll love you with plain old Chapstick – but that smile is crucial!)

13. We’ll invest less in thinking about wedding dresses and invest more in our retirement accounts.

14. We will not “friend” a guy we just started dating on Facebook. Nor will we prompt him to change his relationship status. We will remember that real life is better than virtual life.

15. We will stop kissing frogs who don’t turn into princes. And vice versa.

16. We’ll learn to trust our intuition more – and take our friends’ and families’ criticisms and/or dating advice with a healthy grain of salt.

17. We will get out of our comfort zone and be open to trying new ways to meet men.

18. We will give anyone who cheats on us the Jesse James treatment. (Thanks, Sandra!)

Watch VIDEO: What Counts as Cheating?

19. We won’t be afraid to define the relationship before we sleep with him.

20. We will throw out all of our silly dating “deal breakers” involving height, eye color, fashion sense and nose hair.

21. We will write new dating must-haves that include kindness, honesty, love and partnership.

22. We will take a breath before we start a fight with our significant other about something that won’t matter tomorrow morning.

23. We will remember why we fell in love with our significant other to begin with – and tell them often.

24. We’ll use our backbones more often than our wishbones when it comes to love.

25. We’ll spend more time with guys who make us laugh and less time with guys who make us cry.

Tell us: What are your relationship resolutions for 2010?

Spread the love 😉


Love for my Alma Mater

Midpark, we’ll honor you long after our school days are through; hear us praise your name to increase your fame, Alma Mater, we will be true. Here’s to the orange and brown that stand for our school renown; may there always be sincere loyalty for Thee Midpark High!

For some reason I am still obsessed with my old high school, Midpark. What do I mean, “for some reason,” when I know that exact reason? Those 4 years were amazing. I know so many people who never want to even look at their old school ever again and can’t even imagine ever setting foot in there again. However, with me, I wish I could go back. The funny thing is that it isn’t even because of all the fun I had with my friends — although that is such a large part. The real reason is because I had the best teachers in the entire world. I still keep in touch with a handful of them both on Facebook and through emails. Every Christmas break my high school BFF, Alison, and I pop into good ol’ MHS and spend an hour or so saying hi to all of our favorite teachers!

This year’s visit, however, was the best one yet. I loved being able to go in there and update them on all my accomplishments. I wanted to cry today because some of my teachers were so unbelievably proud of me. I think I grew up about 5 years in the span of an hour today just because it made me feel so old.

But, the reason I am giving Midpark so much praise today is because in about 2 years it is being shut down for good 😦 Stupid tax payers and levies. UGH! I guess they’re combining Midpark and our rival, Berea. Ew. It makes me so sad that I won’t be able to send my kids to my Alma Mater and they won’t be able to have all the teachers I did. I know a lot of teachers will lose their jobs and it makes me so upset. In my time at high school I think I may have had one bad teacher, if that. All of them were so amazing; not only just with teaching but they are great people as well. Seriously, how many people do you know that are actually good friends with their old teachers? Not many. But I won’t mention the fact that I have a crush on about 5 of them. Shh 😉