Happiness is love.

I hope your Christmas was as great as mine!

I have always known that I have an amazing family but this year it just hit me so hard. I am one lucky girl, let me tell you. I don’t know if it’s just the more I grow up, the more I realize, or what.

Christmas Eve is always spent with my dad’s side of the family and it usually ends pretty bad — long story short, dad is a drinker, divorce, etc… But this year it was so different! My dad has been in and out of rehab and jail for 21+ years and he never has money or anything. I always get so upset because I feel so bad for him; he has so many hopes and dreams and wants to do so much but he just can’t. This year he handed me my present and I didn’t know what to expect. Usually it is just something little that he picks up about an hour before he has to give it to me. I opened the card first and he wrote how he wanted to create new memories now that he is in rehab and on the right track again. I moved on to the box he gave me and it was a gorgeous Charmed Memory bracelet from Kay. I couldn’t believe it because this was the most he has ever given me and it just meant so much. I instantly cried because I was so happy not only that he is on the right track and doing good but also because maybe now we can have a normal father-daughter relationship. My aunt also got me the first season of Modern Family!

The next morning was, of course, great! My mom and I spend the morning exchanging gifts and we have a nice time. She got me an amazing new camera that I am absolutely obsessed with! I also got some cool new CLEVELAND gear including a shirt and a necklace that I absolutely adore. Mom really loved what I got her this year! She actually wore one of the cardigans I got her to my grandma’s that day! It also made me really happy today to see that she was wearing the bracelet I got her!

My grandma’s was a blast this year! (mom’s side!) We played some fun games and ate some delicious food. My cousin Kaleigh and I had a blast taking pictures with my new camera ๐Ÿ™‚

Yeah, we’re pretty cute ๐Ÿ˜›

Sunday was my first Browns game and really my first football experience besides high school games and Mount Union games (which you’d think would be considered real!) It. was. freezing. We walked all over hell’s half acre trying to find our friends and family who we were meeting to tailgate… after more than an hour of trying we found them and then had a pretty good day from then on out.

Oh, and I really want this shirt ๐Ÿ™‚

Work has been absolutely great! I have so much fun down there it’s crazy! Tomorrow is unfortunately my last day for a while — Snow Days will be over soon and I’ll be back at school. Oh well, it gives me something to look forward to when I come back!

Tonight we celebrated Christmas with Mom’s boyfriend and his kids. I love them all so much; her boyfriend is so amazing. They’ve been dating for so long it sounds so silly when I call him her boyfriend but still. We ate dinner and played a pretty fun game and just hung out. Never a dull moment, we’ll leave it that way.

Last night a pipe burst in my basement and I was home alone and absolutely 100% clueless. I could not figure out how the hell to turn off the water main because I was afraid I’d turn a gas knob or something so I just carried everything out of the laundry room while it flooded at a really quick pace. After calling my mom 100x I went and got my neighbor to help. On her way running over she slipped and wiped out on the ice. Hectic night.

Don’t forget my #nomorebullshit rule. I am learning more and more every day how people are liars and they take people for granted. I can’t think of any other way to put it. Acting shitty pushes me away and it all really takes a toll. I’ll leave it at that because I like my blogs to sound happy ๐Ÿ™‚ and if I keep on keepin’ on with this mood it’ll turn into a bitch rant. I’ll just say:

Be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. Put yourself and your feelings first because, in the end, you’re the only person you can trust.

Nuff said ๐Ÿ˜›

Spread the love, baby.



Merry Christmas Eve ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope all is well and everyone survived the horrors of Holiday Shopping 2010. Tonight I will be spending the Eve with my dad’s side of the family! Tomorrow morning will be spent with my mom and cats ๐Ÿ™‚ After that we go to my mom’s side of the family to celebrate and that’s always a good time!

As for Sunday, Sean is taking me to my first Browns game and I am really excited. Yeah, the proud Clevelander that I am and I have never attended a Browns game. Go figure. Sean is a hardcore Steelers fan, as you may have picked up, so I am trying to convince him to root for CLE just for photo-opps!

Break has been smooth sailing thus far. I’ve been getting a lot of hours down at work which is really nice. I am loving my new job — I was Ms. Onion the other day lol. It is nice to have a job somewhere that I love (Progressive Field) and to actually be doing something fun! During the year and even this past summer I just work my butt off so to be able to work on the fun/play side of things is great.

Sean came up to visit me for the past few days and, of course, that was an amazing time. We did some shopping, visited Crocker Park, checked out Snow Days and Public Square’s decorations, attempted to go in the house from A Christmas Story, watched the Steelers game and overall just had a nice time. Distance sucks, enough said. Sean gave me a gorgeous ring for Christmas (no, not that kind of ring :P) and I absolutely love it; it really means a lot to me. He did a great job picking it out and I love when I know that someone picks something out especially for me. With things like that, you know it comes straight from the heart and that is what means most.

So quickly after X-Mas comes ringing in the New Year and I have already decided on my resolution. I shall call it the No More Bull Shit campaign… #nomorebullshit if you will. I have been catching people lying to my face, and I’ll say it right here, I don’t deserve that. I am too nice to actually stick up for myself and confront these people but I know I need to. I deserve honesty… don’t we all? But, come 2011, come #nomorebullshit. Who’s with me?

Anyh0o… I hope Santa treats you well! Don’t forget to leave out your milk and cookies! Maybe some carrots for Rudolph ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, to be a kid again!

Spread the love.


And so Christmas break begins…

Finally home! The past semester was absolutely horrible and I could not be more excited for it to be over! For some reason I think it was the worst semester I’ve ever had (class/work-wise)…ever.

But now all is good ๐Ÿ™‚

When I finally got home, after I went straight to the tanning bed ha, I looked at the date and realized that Christmas was in a week. So basically I have a lot of catching up to do at the mall — ugh! Like I really want to go out and deal with the idiots that come out for holiday shopping. I decided to head to Strongsvilleย  — bad idea. Everyone shops in Strongsville. After almost getting in about 3 accident because of stupid drivers (anyone notice that once holiday shopping starts, every driver turns into an automatic jackass?!?) I went to Borders to pick up something. Wellll, it was a day where Reward Card members had 50% off coupons so basically it was a madhouse. I think I may have had an actual panic attack because when I was in line I started shaking uncontrollably. Weird, huh? Not to mention that the thing I went there for was the last one they had left and it was what was on display so I had to package it and all that. So, oy vey. Holiday shopping. Blah.

Friday marked my first day of my new job at the ballpark. I am a new member of the Fun Bunch for the Indians and over break I’ll be working down at Snow Days. For one, the place looks awesome all decorated and fun. For two, I need to go ice skating. But it was a great first day! It was really nice seeing everyone I worked with over the summer… I can’t believe the past few months went by so fast! I feel like I never really left. Although the night was freezing, it was really fun.

Saturday I was able to spend some time with my mom. We did some shopping just around here — we avoided the mall — and grabbed lunch at Applebee’s. We hooked up with Kristy at one point and hit up the thrift stores to find some ugly Christmas sweaters… success was finally found at Value World.

After that, Kristy and I got uglied-up and headed out to Coventry to go to my friend’s X-mas party. What a good night that was. Besides the fact that poor Kristy was dead by about 9:30, of course. But a lot of people from the Indians were there so it was nice being able to party with them.

As for Sunday… obvious recover day. After a much needed nap I hung out with my dad — first time in FOREVER — and we unfortunately tried to go shopping. We were smart enough not to head to Strongsville but we were dumb enough to go to PARMA!? Can you say trash?

I always forget Parmatown Mall exists…. and hmm wonder why. Lol I really wonder how that place is still in business. But anyways I got a couple things marked off my shopping list so I am that much closer to being done.

I dyed my hair tonight and I realized that no matter what color I get on the box, my hair ALWAYS turns out black. What gives?

That’s it for now!ย  Work tomorrow and Tuesday ๐Ÿ™‚ Go watch Andy Samberg in The Lonely Island’s new short with Akon.

Spread the love!


My return from my blogging hiatus.

Why hello there. Long time no blog. I don’t even know where to begin so I suppose I’ll just start with the highlights.

Last Monday I was named the next President of the Mount Union Chapter of PRSSA which I am super excited about. Although it was not much of a win, per se, it is still a great accomplishment that will take me far in life. My term will begin in 2011 and will last until the beginning or 2012 — PRSSA schedules it so seniors have their last semester to concentrate on, well, graduating. Smart move. But in all reality I am very excited. For those of you who aren’t really familiar with PRSSA, it is the student version of PRSA which is the Public Relation Society of America — that’s right, it’s national. So even though it is a small organization at Mount Union (as of now), I think that it might be the smartest move — school-wise — that I have ever made…resume reasons. That, aside from the fact that it is something I am really proud of, of course.

After that bit of great news, I went home to interview for a part time job that I have been eyeing for some time now. I want to work for the Cleveland Indians’ promotional game day group, The Fun Bunch.ย Now, you see, I always knew I wanted to work in baseball or some type of sports, but I don’t really know what side I want to explore. I started off working for the Indians Team Shop in merchandise and sales, moved on to intern in the Creative Services department in their front offices, will be working in ticket sales next semester… it’s about time to move to the fun-wild side of it while I still can. Long story short, I interviewed on Tuesday and received the call-back by Thursday saying I got the job. I start when I get home for break!

Overall that was a successful week ๐Ÿ™‚

What else, what else…

Seany’s birthday was a couple of weeks ago — which was when I think I blogged last?!?!? — and that was nice. He enjoyed his gifts and we had a little shin-dig. He mentioned today how he didn’t get to do too much for it this year because of his surgery (another story) which makes me sad…so hopefully I can plan something else to cheer him up.

This past weekend I went to Sean’s house in Canfield just to escape the whole school-scene. Friday night we got dinner at OG and then “bar-hopped” with his brother and his friends. I drank something called a “Baltimore Zoo.”ย  See below.

Enough said.
Saturday was dedicated to sleeping in and relaxing, followed by a nice ride on the four-wheeler in the snow. We cooked dinner that night which was nice because lately I love cooking. I made my homemade pizza! I think that might be my favorite thing to make — maybe because it is easy? No. I like to get plain sauce and just add a bunch of ingredients just to add my own little touch. I also like to make the crust stuffed and then load on whatever we decide to put as the toppings. This time we just stuck to extra cheese and pepperoni but it was still delish! Sean made some yummy bbq and buffalo-ranch chicken to go with it. The night ended with rootbeer floats from A&W (snow, shmow), driving around looking at Christmas lights, a bottle of bubbly (had to celebrate my new accomplishments) and some SNL. Sunday we went to one of Sean’s favorite bars to watch the Steelers game and I actually enjoyed myself (sorry guys)!
Well it is finals week… Today was my first “final,” which was a marketing plan presentation. I have mentioned it before in previous blogs and I was SO excited for it. We had to pick a product to partner with the Project RED campaign. My group chose Chipotle and I was so proud of my PR knowledge and my creativity. We had such a great product and such good ideas when it came to publicity and selling… but we (cough my group cough) BOMBED the presentation. It was definitely something that could have been prevented had we rehearsed more, but it was just one of those things. We got a B on it, which is acceptable, I guess, but we should have definitely received an A. Oh well. Shit happens, right? All I have to say is I’d do anything for a burrito! Chicken, cheese, sour cream and corn-salsa. YUM!
I purchased a grow-your-own-spruce-tree kit the other day from FIVE BELOW (oh yea, my favorite store!) and they have finally grown too big for the elf-shoe they came in! Kate and I just moved them into a bigger home and even added some coffee grounds to help them grow! Yay! Five of them ended up growing! As you can see, I get excited over the smallest things!
I think that is pretty much it. Well, I mean, there is a lot more that has happened in the past few weeks but those are the highlights! Hope everyone stays warm in this crazy weather! And be safe! These roads are out of control. Ta-ta!
Spread the love.

Slow and steady…

Really, it does always win the race!

This semester’s end is in my near vision and I am just taking it day by day. I haven’t even looked at my finals schedule yet and, damn, do I feel good. I find that I am way less stressed when I just worry about what is today and tomorrow rather than what is coming up in the next few weeks. Oh, to breathe again.

So I am obsessed with Zumba. Ob-sessed. There are three classes offered here at UMU… Turbo, Pump, and Zumba? I think all these classes are basically kickboxing + aerobics + yoga + zumba. No matter what it is or what you wanna call it, I LOVE IT. I feel damn good after every class.

Another thing I love, which I have mentioned before, is Five Below. I went there 3 times this weekend when I was home and left every time with more goodies. I introduced 6 of my friends to this genius of a store and now they are all obsessed too. Basically, what I am trying to say is, visit Five Below; I promise you won’t be disappointed.

I only have one biology lab left and about 5 biology classes left and I could not be more excited. I HATE SCIENCE, have I mentioned that?

Tomorrow is my boyfriend’s birthday! I love birthdays! I like making people happy and giving people presents ๐Ÿ™‚ I have some surprises lined up so I am anxious to see how they go!

The only thing that is stressing out my mind is: Cut my hair back to my cute lil bob or try and grow it out? OH, THE DECISIONS!

Listen to my radio show tonight! Late Night Jams with Shan & Sam. Search us WRMU 91.1 FM and listen live on Warp Radio from 10-12 tonight (every Tuesday)

Ta ta!

Spread the love!
