Hummingbird Heartbeat

Sunday, BLAH. Not only is tomorrow Monday but there is not a new episode of Family Guy this week. Erg.

However, I just spent the past hour watching reruns of Modern Family. This break was filled with just that for I watched it with the guys on Thursday night and I introduced the show to Valerie & Kristy last night. I introduced the show to Holly a month ago and she is now obsessed, so I’d say introducing the girls to it this week was a good idea. I am obsessed.

So for some odd reason I have been obsessed with hummingbirds and peacocks lately. It may all be thanks to Katy Perry because she has songs that use both of those words in their titles, but still. I just bought a new humminbird ornament and hung it from my mirror in my car. Beautiful. Also, it is cute because my mom loves hummingbirds and she always gets feeders for them to bring them to our yard. In fact, I have gotten her feeders for birthdays and holidays before. So, without further a-do (is that even how you spell that?) I present to you my next tattoo, kind of. A little history first though: I begged my mom FOREVER for a tattoo, so, when I was 16, she let me get a baby flower on my hip. Well, it is ugly. The dude messed it up and it is a lil baby. So when I was 18, I added a ladybug to cover where the dude messed up and it is still just as ugly. For the past few years I have been trying to come up with an idea on how to fix it. I wanted to just add several more flowers but it is hard to find something I like. Then I wanted to just cover it all up, but I don’t know how hard that is to do. Then, voila! Biggest epiphany ever. Add a hummingbird!

A lil something like that, but not exact. It is a work in progress and it’ll probably be another 6 months or so before I actually get it. I am really excited though!

This week is full already; tests, papers, assignments, meetings, UGH! Seany’s birthday is Wednesday though and I am really excited 🙂 and then we have a date night Friday night so those are definitely two things to look forward to!

I was able to catch up with Jenifer and Alyssa last night which was MUCH needed. We went up to Seekers, a local coffee schop, and drank some mochas and just caught up. Alyssa and Jen have been close friends of mine since probably 6th grade and we’ve tried to stay close through the years. Alyssa spent the past summer in Italy and Jen goes to school in Michigan (and spent some time in Africa) so the past year has been hard to keep in touch. After that I was able to catch up with Val & Kristy (as I mentioned earlier with Modern Family) and that was great because I haven’t seen them since August. I love old friends, and yeah, I’ll admit, I miss my high school a lot. Weird, huh?

Oh well, good times, good friends. Have a good week people.

Spread the love.


So much to blog, so little room.

Hey Blogees. It sure has been some time since my last ramble-sesh, but nothing a cup o’java and some leftover homemade pistachio cake can’t help. I am home. Cleveland/Brook Park, whichever I want to admit. I love being home. So much, in fact, that I really don’t want to go back to school. Oh well, only a couple more weeks then it’s home free for Christmas break.

I’m pretty sure it has been basically a week since my last blog, so I’ll give you the condensed version of my week. Sunday was Dynamo page editing and homework. Sunday night consisted of me making dinner for Sean which was meatloaf, potatoes and marinated grilled peppers. He was impressed so I’d have to say it was a success. Monday was half-assed classes because it was Thanksgiving week so the teachers didn’t plan anything. Monday night we only had PRSSA and then WRMU hosts these tours for local cub scout groups.

Oh. My. God. Talk about the best form of birth control. Seeing these wild and crazy kids made me never want to have any of my own. I’ve never been around so many rude kids in my life; where are there parents? You think I am exaggerating but I’m not. I’m talking this kid wanted to get on air at our ALL JAZZ DURING THE DAY station and sing “tryin to catch me riding dirty,” and when I would say no he would beg and beg. They’d interrupt the tourguides, which, yeah, I understand we’re students, but still, have some respect! One interrupted me to tell me that his grandma spent a fortune on him last X-mas. Hello? Trust me, there is so much more but I won’t get into it. Sometimes I just think that some people aren’t meant to have kids because they can’t teach them manners or respect. Good ol’ Alliance, OH.

Tuesday was, well, Tuesday. I hate both of my classes that day so I couldn’t wait for it to end. By Tuesday late afternoon I was finally home! Spent Wednesday family-hoppin and saying hi to everyone. Wednesday night marks our tradition where me, my mom and my grandma head out to my aunt’s and we cook and do crafts and watch movies. That was fun, got to work on Sean’s birthday present which turned out nice. Thanksgiving morning is another tradition because every year my grandma makes these DELICIOUS sausage-cheese balls and I eat about 100 of them, she also makes some hotcakes and I eat about 100  more of them. Since I am up early for the Macy’s Day Parade, I down about 3 cups of coffee and then we look at the Black Friday ads. After that, we watch the Westminister Dog Show (I root for the beagles every time) and finish up cooking and getting ready for the day. Eventually, my uncle’s side of the family comes over and we eat and eat and eat and then Thanskgiving is pretty much done. This year, however, my mom and I went to my Dad’s side of the family in the evening and, surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad.

Thursday night I went to my friend Sean’s house (not boyfriend) with Dan, Tom, Scharf, Ryan and Scott and we watched Modern Family Season 1. That is seriously moving up to be my favorite show ever.

 I hate to say it but I have the biggest crush on Phil Dunphy.

If you don’t watch Modern Family yet, I hate you. No, seriously though. I don’t hate you, but watch it! I promise you that you will not be disappointed!

Friday morning, you may guess it, but there was NO WAY in hell I was getting up before 10a.m. to go shopping. Around 11 though my mom and I suited up against the cold and went to Crocker Park. If you don’t know what Crocker Park is, I urge you to find out. A little slice of New York + Boston mixed with Ohio. I love it. I actually got a lot of shopping done both for my mom and for Sean and I even picked out some things for my list!

Friday night I finished up more shopping around home (five below LOVE LOVE LOVE) and then I hung out with Holly for a while. She is probably my best friend at home and I love catching up with her. Afterwards we went to Scott’s to hang out with him, Dan and Sean (not bf). We watched football and I may or may not have enjoyed it. Shh.

That brings me to today. I caught up on some sleep and social networking. Believe it or not, I had a dream about networking last night so I think it was a sign to open up my TweetDeck and go to and blog even though there was not too much to say.

Oh well. I’ll be back to school tomorrow and I am sure I’ll have some fun stories for you then!

Spread the love.


Because it’s Friday night…

Yes, you read that right, your eyes are working. It’s Friday night and I am blogging. This has been the busiest most stressful week I have had in a while and I am not even upset that I am spending tonight winding down and relaxing. On the plus side, Kate, Kelly and Cayla all decided to stay in for the night too so we’re having a nice relaxing girls night. I am sipping on some hot cocoa now but there are rumors that wine will be busted out shortly. Even better, we’re going to end the night watching The Santa Clause, my all-time favorite Christmas movie. On a sad note, Boyfriend went home this weekend 😦 but I am preppin a nice homemade dinner for Sunday night when he returns!

Last night was insane. When I say last night, I mean approximately 3:30am when I was sound asleep. I am not going to go into details but it has something to do with knocking on doors, intruding, yelling and freaking out. I didn’t get back to bed until at least 5am and today was just the straw that broke the camel’s back — tired-wise. I don’t even remember going to biology this morning because I was still asleep, marketing was a blur, and honestly, so was the rest of the day. I grabbed lunch with some of the girls and then finished class and headed straight for my bed where I was dead to the world for a couple of hours. What a Friday, eh?

Apologies for the whole bore-filled-blog today, folks. I am still getting used to the rule of blogging every day; I eventually run out of things to talk about.

#4 – I am thankful for my cats – No, I am not a crazy cat lady. But seriously, I love these little nuggets and I can’t wait to get home next week and see them!

Spread the love.


Right here in this moment is right where I’m meant to be

So good news, my case of the (insert day here) is now obsolete. How annoying was that phase? Extremely. I am a happy person; I hate being down. Blah. However, I am happy I rearranged my room (maybe that is what helped? told ya. works every time!) because it looks great now.

But I was thinking. Why do I get so down? First I get all bummed because something triggers it, and then I think I just let things “go wrong.” Really, everything is fine. Seriously, so I got a bad grade on a test– WHO CARES? I do great in every other class and who looks at your GPA anyways? But then, aside from everything that “goes wrong,” I get sad — OVER NOTHING! I get all crabby and depressed and I don’t realize how good I really have it. I have an amazing family, amazing friends, one hell of an amazing boyfriend and I am doing great in school (bio aside) and in all of my extracurriculars. Life is great. No more letting a bad day get in the way of me being happy!  Cheers to that!

So, keeping up with the good spirit, my man RYAN REYNOLDS won the title as People’s Sexiest Man Alive 2010. For those of you who know me,  you know that Ryan Reynolds is my #1 celeb crush. Back in the day of me being a youngin (last year) I had a huge collage of Mr. Reynolds hanging over my bed. My obsession has finally subdued but I am still proud! I could have told you he was the sexiest celeb a long time ago. Now I have to share him with everyone. What gives?!

Some guy from Glee just explained on E! that he ate nothing but sweet potatoes for 2 days and lost x amount of weight. Hello guilt-free Thanksgiving weekend.

Speaking of losing weight… I tried kickboxing last night with the housies. Ho-lee-crap. I am in love with kickboxing. I felt great today! So great, in fact, that when Kate and I went to work out we spontaneously jumped into the Zumba class to give that a try as well. LOVE. We are going to start going a few times a week and I cannot wait. Good stress reliever as well.

My inspi(red) marketing plan project is coming along great; I can’t wait to tell you about it. Although I have to give props now, my genius of a boyfriend is the one who came up with the idea. I guess we can win a contest if the plan is good enough and if it goes far enough there is some of that ca$h money involved. Does that mean I have to give Sean a portion of that if we get it?  Hmm.

Also, side note, I can’t wait until “The Kennedys” premieres next year. I love JFK and the rest of them Kennedys (not quite sure why) and Katie Holmes is playing my girl Jackie O. And Greg Kinnear, who is very handsome, is playingmy man John Fitzgerald and I am so so so excited! Eight part series on The History Channel. Oh yea!

Tomorrow is Friday. Nuff said.

I bet you like the happier version of me way better than the blah mode I was in earlier this week. I’ll try to keep it this way.

Oh well, hope everyone has a great Friday! TTFN, ta-ta for now!

Spread the love.

More thanks =)

#2 – I am thankful for my best friend.  – I met Shannon freshman year and we have been basically connected at the hip ever since. We work together at WRMU, Studio M, The Dynamo, PRSSA and  our radioshow, Late Night Jams. Yeah, pretty much the same person. People have even started to call us “Sham” — on accident. I love Shannon to death and she really is the best friend I have ever had. I get worried sometimes when I think where we will end up someday; both of us have huge dreams, but where ever we are, she’ll always be my best friend.


#3  – I am thankful for my boyfriend – (Like you didn’t see that one coming.) Every time a girl writes about her boyfriend it sounds cliche and annoying… well guess what! I don’t care. Looking back, Sean came into my life at the perfect time and he tells me I did the same. We started off just being friends (and good friends at that). I used to find myself staying up late just talking to him in the lobby of our dorm. Soon enough those innocent talks turned into flirting — snowball fights, games of pool, etc… — and just like that I was head over heels for Mr. Patrick. Distance and busy schedules served as large obstacles for us, but I’d like to think we successfully overcame it all. Everyday I learn more about Sean and everyday I fall even more in love with him. I consider myself very lucky to have  him (aww!).


Cheesy factor : 10000. It’s ok.

Spread the love.


Yeah, you guessed it. Case of The Wednesdays.

How can this be? I  have been on work overload every day for the past two years between school, work, interning and organizations and this week tops the cake for worst week EVER. And, as you know, it is only Wednesday. Today I decided to take advantage of the fact that one of my classes was cancelled and squeeze in a nap that, as always, went by too fast. Other than that, whenever I get stressed and/or depressed (ususally a packaged deal) I tend to clean and reorganize my room. However, my ADD got the best of me today mid-organize and now my room just has everything thrown everywhere. Aside from the mess, I kind of really like the new look, just got to work on some minor adjustments.

This morning I took the hardest exam I have ever taken. That actually means a lot coming from the girl who was in all honors and accelerated classes in high school and who goes to a private college with pretty difficult classes. Speaking of these hard classes here at Mount… I am a communication major and a sport business minor. All of the classes I take in those departments are so easy (maybe it is just because I enjoy what I am learning?) and here we have to take a billion general education requirements (religion, government, math, etc…) and the gen eds are 10000x more difficult than any class for my major. W. T. F. I have heard that from students in other majors as well. This just does not make any sense to me. Shouldn’t the classes preparing you for life be difficult and make you work hard? And the “filler” classes should be informative yet all easy A’s. Wrong-o. Back to said exam, IT WAS BIOLOGY. Yes, BI 122. A one hundred level class. Pretty sure I got a big fat F (ok, or maybe a C) on this impossible test. What a great way to start off the 3rd horrible day IN A ROW.

Oh well, it is Wednesday night. Two of my usual meetings (Association of Women Students and Studio M filming) were cancelled so that means I can make it to kickboxing– talk about a stress reliever! Then I will head to Sport Business Association where we will be ordering the shirts I designed 🙂 and then… drum roll please… MODERN FAMILY AND COUGAR TOWN! Favorite TV night of the week. Tune in! Wednesday nights will get even better come January when HOT IN CLEVELAND comes back for season two. I miss my weekly dose of Valerie Bertinelli.

Check out my SBA shirt design (front + back)


I currently have a Facebook tab opened and when I go to do my creeping I find that my news feed is JAM PACKED with people talking about how they are going to the store to stock up on the soon-to-be-banned Four Lokos. One of my friends from OSU just posted that he just bought 48 cans. Forty. Eight. Cans…. of Four Loko. Isn’t that stuff deadly? I read today on Fox 8 News’ facebook, however, that the manufacturers of 4L said they will take the caffiene out of the drinks so they can be legal again. Wow is all I have to say.

Well, hopefully tomorrow gets better. I only have one class and one project to work on, then it’s Friday, then it is the weekend. FINALLY. Aaaaand next week is Thanksgiving break! THANK GOD.

Spread the love.


“Case of The Tuesdays” — is it possible?

Longest. Week. Ever. And yes, your calendar is correct — it is ONLY Tuesday. Yesterday got a little tiny bit better – but a heck of a lot more stressful – once the evening began.

At our PRSSA meeting we discussed positions for next semester/year and I have decided that I think I want to run for Chapter President. It would be a huge responsibility, but nothing I am not used to. The good thing (can also be bad depending how pessimistic you are) is that the chapter is FRESH at Mount Union… I’m talking next year will be its third year here. This is great because the opportunity holds such great potential. I can start up new events, recruit new members, etc… I’ll keep you posted on that!

Today just sucked again; I don’t know what is up with this week but I am definitely not a fan. I promise I’ll hold on my ranting today.

However we did watch a pretty interesting movie in bio today (yes, students pay $30,000 to go to this school yet class periods are dedicated to watching movies, lol) called Gattaca. Something about the future, DNA, astronauts, cloning, etc… Sounds nerdy but I’d have to admit I actually enjoyed it. Jude Law played a character that was “perfect” because his parents chose him to be that way before birth. Ethan Hawke played this nerdy boy whose birth results (they have those in the future) showed that he will have a heart disease when he is older, and he wants to go to outerspace but his DNA (which reads about heart disease) prevents him from getting a good job. He is then paired up with Law and takes his identity (totally illegal but they’re both on board) and eventually goes to outer space. There is also a love affair tied in along with a murder mystery. Good flick, I suggest you check it out.

After our weekly WRMU Directors meeting, we had our last WRMU Staff meeting of the semester. I cannot believe how fast this semester went. I feel like just yesterday we held our first staffers meeting of the semester and I was up in front of the room introducing myself as Public Relations Director and now my year is half way done. Sheesh.

Tonight is Tuesday which means LATE NIGHT JAMS WITH SHAN & SAM. If you haven’t tuned in yet, you definitely should. WRMU 91.1, Mount Union’s radio station. Every Tuesday night from 10-midnight., yes you can listen online. No excuses. KEEP ON SHAMMIN!

Oh well, friends. My nonenthusiastic mood is coming through in this nonenthusiastic blog. Aplogies. Hopefully things turn around soon.


Spread the love, please.


November is full of thanks

So I was reading another blog that I just love, and the author decided that every day this month she would post something she was thankful for. So, the month is halfway over but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of thanking to do. So, I am going to copy her style and recite things I am thankful for for the remainder of November.

#1. I am thankful for  my mom – My mom is the absolute best person in the world. She always puts everyone else first and she makes sure everyone is happy and healthy; even people who have hurt her in the past. She has also made it so far and it is so inspiring. She worked so unbelievably hard — as a single mother, mind you — to get where she is, where we are, today.  I could only wish that I could be half of the woman my mom is.

Serious case of “THE MONDAYS”

The Monday of all Mondays. Just when you think things have settled down — WHAM BAM — you’re up at 7’oclock (when you normally can sleep until 9) and going to take a marketing exam that you missed (excused) because of a PRSA Student Day the week before. (It was worth it, don’t you worry.) After that exam (that killed me BTW because I missed the review session due to my absence) I had to go throw together a powerpoint presentation last minute because my partner seemed to forget that he was supposed to send me information 3 days prior. Oh well, go with the flow, right? I threw together our presentation in the hour and a half I had to kill before biology — my presentation was on Hemophilia, and someone very close to me has that and it was just a very sad start to my day — of course added on to getting up at the crack of dawn and bombing my exam. Did I mention this morning my car was blocked in my drive way and also covered in frost so I almost missed my exam? Sweet. Oh, also, all of this happened before 10:00 am. Now, onto my bio-presentation. Not only did the projector not work for the first 15 minutes of class, my partner did not know a thing because when I went to add his info I noticed he just copied and pasted info off of wikipedia (last night around 10 o’clock), awesome. So I had to redo all of his information and what not so he just read word for word off of slide — I hate when people do that; it makes for a boring presentation.

Sorry for ranting.

But, on a better note, after that I went to my favorite class (marketing, sorry exam!) and we just talked about our Marketing Plan that is due in a month! It is top secret until the day of our presentation and I can’t wait to blog about it because it is going to be super sweet. Our assignment was to create something to go with the INSPI(RED) campaign for AIDS. I’ll go into more detail when I talk about our plan.

Basically, it is noon on Monday and I am ready for Friday and a nap — whichever comes first.

Tonight ought to be nice, however. We have a PRSSA meeting and we’re going to be planning a Social Media Informational Seminar to be open to students, professors and who ever else wants to attend and learn 🙂 I am excited because     I ❤ Social Media.

After that is the rest of the Monday Night Meeting Line-Up. (PRSSA followed by Studio M followed by Dynamo Editors followed by Dynamo Staff.) So, in conclusion, Mondays suck.

Spread the love, because I am lacking today.


You learn something new every day… no seriously, you do.

Happy Saturday bloggers 🙂 It is November 13th already, can you believe it?! As if just the fact that 2010 is almost over isn’t unbelievable enough, it is GORGEOUS outside. I just ran to the store wearing flip flops and no jacket with a short sleeved shirt. This Ohio weather man, totally unpredictable.

Yesterday I attended the Greater Cleveland PRSA Student Day up in, well, Cleveland at CSU Wolstein Center. It was a very long day. No, I am not exaggerating that I was up at 6, at Dunkin Donuts by 7:15 and en route to the city I love by 7:30. We were a few minutes late because we thought registration started at 9, oops, but we missed the first few minutes of the first panel session which was about PR Discipline. After that we learned about ethics, networking, branding, sport marketing and event planning. The day was crammed with information; all incredibly inspiring and helpful. We also were told how to make our resumes stand out and be perfect. Basically the woman sat in front of the room and told us what to do and what not to do. At first it was very intimidating and it kind of scared me, but after I got over the initial shock I was yearning for more advice! I can’t wait to go edit my resume and make it even better; I am actually very proud of mine as is, just needs a little work. The woman who was feeding us this advice was incredible. As I said above, she was very intimidating but that was because she has seen it all; she knows what can make or break a person. She was filled with stories to teach us what is right from wrong; some stuff, sure, we already knew– don’t put pictures on facebook of you doing a kegstand– but she also taught us how to make ourselves unique.

My ultimate favorite part of the day, however, was during lunch (no, not just because of the amazing food) when we listened to an author and entreprenuer speak about branding ourselves. This was incredible. I am really interested in networking– I love Twitter. I am a 20 year old college student and I already have +500 followers. I think I am doing something right. I can’t wait to go out and buy Mr. Lacy’s books because I am just craving more knowledge about this. I just downloaded a free chapter of his first published book, Twitter Marketing for Dummies, and just got a taste on how to market myself better through Twitter. The first chapter explains how to manage your time on twitter,  how to use web tools for time management and how to make your time productive. Some of this may seem like just common sense or even kind of pointless, but in reality it is so legit and incredibly useful. Everyone can Tweet but it takes real talent to do it right and make it successful.

So as if I didn’t learn enough in just those two sessions (which were my favorites by the way) I learned so much more throughout the day. As I mentioned earlier there were several other panel sessions and my third favorite was event planning. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a wedding planner. I remember being a kid (oh wow like 10 years ago haha) and going through magazines and making collages of wedding photos. I used to hang them up on my wall and my older cousins would come over and tell me to take them down because it  made me look desparate. Now, looking back, I had a passion for it and knew then what I wanted to do. I also used to purchase wedding books or check them out from the library. I even have one called “celebrity weddings” that I used to look through all the time. DUH! True calling much?

Right when I thought I couldn’t love PR anymore than I do I realized that it was indeed possible and I am headed on the right track. A few months ago I decided I don’t want wedding planner to be my official title, well, not right away at least, but I’d love to do freelance work on the side for a few years while still establishing myself. Here’s to goals.


So a big thank you goes out to GREATER CLEVELAND PRSA STUDENT DAY; all the speakers and inspiring people I met yesterday. I even made some new friends/followers on Twitter thanks to hashtags 🙂 Oh, networking!

I also learned to blog everyday. Can you keep up? 😉

Spread the love.
