New beginnings

I think it’s about that time that I get back into the swing of blogging. I’ve been sticking to my Mount Union blog lately because those posts had to be school-related. Ya know, had to stay focused (check ’em out.

On a bright note, school is over! Well, for the summer at least. I have two finals — that are just “come, show up, write something down, done” kind of things — left standing between me and my summer break. #winning

I promised myself back in October or something that, come summer, I would morph my blog from the basic happenings in my everyday life to my social Cleveland life. I really enjoy reading the CLE-living blogs out there and, well, frankly I want to be one of them. So tune in all summer for the fun stuff.

Now, for a little recap of the past few weeks/days/whenever:

1- Climbed trees with my housemates

2 – Realized we don’t really want to move out for the summer (realized I need to go tanning)

3 – Fell in love with Jack Hannahan

4 – Decided I’m not letting my boyfriend graduate (should that have went before Hannahan? lol)

5 – Went on a “Brook Park Bar Crawl”

6 – Did some Katy Perry karaoke

7 – Celebrated my year anniversary with Seanski

And so, so much more.

It has been a great year here at Mount… such a shame when things have to come to an end. This summer will be a great one though!

Spread the love!

-samantha xo

If you could see any music act from history, who would you pick?

I stumbled across one of wordpress’ lovely features, daily post topics, a couple of months ago and have failed to take advantage of the cures they have for writers’ block. Without further ado, I will start with topic #87 — chances are I won’t be doing every single post — but it will give me some fun topics to write about.

Taken from:

Topic #87:

Imagine you get a magic gold ticket that lets you travel through space and time to grab any band, or music act, living or dead, together or broken up, and transport them to play live at a venue near you. Who would you pick? Why?

Let’s see…

1) The BeatlesLike you didn’t see that one coming.
I have always enjoyed The Beatles — every album, every song. Not only would I love to see them play live to witness, well, just them in person, I would also love to experience the whole atmosphere. We see pictures today of their fans going absolutely wild as they were introduced to this new band. I would LOVE to see that. Also, life back then seemed so much more fun, laid-back and not so stressful.

2) Elvis Going with the stereotypical answers here.
Both of my grandmothers went through the Elvis era and the stories I’ve heard from them sound so fun. Thanks to them, I have always been a fan of Elvis’ sexy voice and style; I’d love to go back in time and hang out with my grandmas and attend an Elvis concert.

3) Nirvanait is April
I am not sure if I am just in the mood for Nirvana since it’s the anniversary of Kurt’s death or what. I went through a phase in middle school where I was OBSESSED with Nirvana… My friend Tori and I even bought a Ouija board and tried to contact Kurt.  I still enjoy their music and I think it would be fun to see them live and at the height of Kurt’s career.
4) Sonny and Cheris that weird?
I am not even going to try to explain myself with this one. Ok, I’d like to be at a filming of the show and listen to them sing “I’ve Got You Babe” live.
5) Buddy HollyI can’t believe I didn’t put him first.
I have this thing for Buddy Holly – can’t really explain it. If you can’t tell, I am a huge fan of oldies music. Buddy Holly has always been one of my favorite oldies-artists.
6) Lynrd SkynrdFREEBIRD!
Just a classic… you can’t time travel and not see Skynrd.
Spread the love 🙂

Spring fever

Spring is in the air… That could only mean one thing: BASEBALL!

As if you didn’t already know, last week stArted yet another fun, exciting season of Cleveland indians baseball… I couldn’t be more excited 🙂

Unfortunately the tribe lost the first two games to the sox but didn’t give up that easily… In the third game of their first home stand they brought the bats and surprised fans with a 7-1 win over chi town.

I was able to enjoy the beginning of the season by watching the games with Sean. We even got in the summer spirit and made hot dogs for dinner the night of the home opener.

The rest of the weekend was absolutely perfect. To recite my tweet from Friday night: boyfriend, baseball beer and bowling, perfect Friday night. We just replaced the bowling with pool but thatched a better turnout (I am NOT a good bowler…pool on the other hand…)

We were rather lame Saturday night but didn’t favorite Saturday night thing: snl. Elton John sure surprised us.. Who knew he was that funny? The digital short was great too– Andy Samberg never fails. Speaking of mr. SAmberg, the lonely island is putting out a new album next month!!!

This great weekend made me realize how lucky I am to be dating my best friend in the world.

This week is looking pretty promising as well.. Wednesday will be my first game of the season to work… And yes, it is against the red sox (my second favorite team if you didn’t know) i am very excited.

Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Spread the love !