Let the games begin…

Sorry it has been a couple of days since my last blog, and even longer since my last entertaining one. Sad to say that I have been without cable and internet since Saturday. How am I surviving, you ask. I have no idea. I took my iPad to the MAAC the other day and used its wifi whilst working out and I made a trip to the library, but really that is about it. I brought my playstation to school so I’ve kept myself entertained with Crash Bandicoot and Tony Hawk. Ha. But really it hasn’t been that bad. I can do without TV, remember? I own the whole series of Sex and The City and Gilmore Girls. Anyways, now that you know why I haven’t blogged I can carry on with updates on my life.

Saturday marked day one living at “The Palace on the Parkway.” Yeah, Kelly creatively dubbed our house that because our street name is parkway and ya know, our house is like a palace. Not really but we can pretend. It actually is a huge house and we are really happy with it. The parts I can do without would be the basement that is creepy as hell- ya know, the one with the cave. Yes, I said cave.  Also, there is a random laundry drop that we can’t figure out where it leads to and since I watched The Haunting in Connecticut (watch it to know what I am talking about) I am scared to death of laundry drops. Also there are random rooms and closets and attics that just creep me out automatically.

So, five girls living in a house… this year will be interesting to say the least. Aside from the normal girls being afraid of ghosts, spiders and burglars, we have already blown a fuse, thank god some of my guy friends were over to teach us how to fix that… um we got locked out already and had to call our landlord at 9am on a Sunday morning to come let us in… our bathtub drain already clogged and overflowed and we had to get that fixed… today we had a cable guy come over to install cable and internet (finally) and that is just a whole adventure in itself. He told Kate to “shut up.” He threatened to trip me if I walked past him. He said “Ugh I wish you would just understand what I am saying” to Kate. He insulted our house a thousand times. The list goes on and on.

Don’t insult our house, Mister. It is starting to look great. We are slowly but surely putting some TLC into each and every room and in a few weeks it will be Home Sweet Home.

 Look, we even made bottled decorations 🙂 Oh, to be a college student.

It really is great having cable again. I can enjoy tonight watching reruns of Friends. I can’t wait until classes and my crazy schedule starts. I keep myself super super busy during the school year but I love every minute of it. I am super involved on campus and this year I hope to pick up even more responsibilities.

I love being a communication  major; I can’t stress that enough. This year I will be the Public Relations director for our school radio station and I am so excited. I will also be Public Relations Chair for our TV studio and then the Student Life Editor for the school paper. I don’t know which one I am most excited for but it’ll all be great.

Our radio show starts back up on Tuesday — KEEP ON SHAMMIN. So excited. Tomorrow night I am interviewing guests on “The Purple Carpet” for the TV station (Mount Union humor?). Friday is the WRMU Directors retreat which is always a good time.  I kind of wish our TV show was filming again this year, we will see if our schedules ever allow it, but our gossip talk show was pretty fun. Typing this is getting me super excited actually. Who knows if I will stick with tennis this year; gotta see what my schedule has room for. I want to join my school’s Sport Business Association and maybe PRSSA. We shall see we shall see.

Goodnight friends, I am going to enjoy my cable.

In Omnia Paratus

Sure has been some time since I have blogged last.

So, hi.

Today is my “last day of summer.” That is actually a false statement because classes do not resume until I think next Monday. However, today is my last day of summer at home. Tomorrow marks my move in day and I couldn’t be more anxious. I don’t know if excited is the right word because I am nervous, but I am not not excited, so I will go with anxious. I will be living with 4 other girls – love them all very much – and we have a big and beautiful house. I am anxious to see what this year is going to bring me. I am another year older, another year wiser, yeah blahblahbullshit. I will fall into the same routine at school; class, radio, TVstudio, newspaper, homework, tennis, hangout, wash, rinse, repeat. That is something that I am really excited for. I am head of PR for my radio and tv studio this year and I am beyond beyond BEYOND pumped. I love public relations. PR makes me so happy :). The other day, in fact, the head director at the radio station called me a “PR Goddess.” Love. I am just nervous to overcome whatever obstacles get thrown my way, but I won’t say anything in particular. (if you are thinking the relationship department you could not be more head on.) Who knows what the year will bring. As my tattoo on my left foot says, IN OMNIA PARATUS — ready for whatever. Bring it on, bitch. Well, don’t bring it on, make it easy, that’d be nice.

Anyhoo, this week has been nice. Went by smoothly. Hung out with friends, packed, cleaned, said my goodbyes. I can’t believe it is finally here. Dang summer flies by. Every year it seems to go by faster and faster. As we speak my mom and her boyfriend are pulling the move-in truck into my driveway so we can start to load it up for an early departure tomorrow morning. YIKES.

I will add onto this blog later. I am not feeling too hot right now. Thought it was a good idea to vent but maybe it isn’t.

ttfn ta ta for now.

Strange things…

Holy cow. This summer absolutely FLEW by. I can not believe it. Today is the last day of my summer internship. It feels like just yesterday I was applying (and it was back in September!), interviewing (October), anxiously waiting a callback (October, November, December, January, February, March) and then freaking out that lovely day when I received the call from Human Resources offering me my new position. I was sitting in my favorite class, statistics (lol jk that was definitely not my favorite) and my phone rang. Being an Indians employee I knew that if the first three digits were 420 that could only mean good things! I was so excited to get this call that I don’t even remember half of our conversation. The rest of the day was basically me thinking I was the coolest person on campus. Before I knew it my first day arrived and I was more ready than ever to start my summer at the ballpark. Wham bam, today is my last day and I am on my way out the door. I have had some amazing opportunites and experiences down here…other than the fact that I am now a Cleveland Indians Guru… The whole staff down here is simply amazing; they always have giant smiles on their faces and they are some of the nicest people one will ever meet. I wish I had more time to spend with them but I guess all good things have to come to an end sooner or later.

I took this picture of Trevor Crowe one of my nights as a photographer. One day when I am looking back at this summer and missing my internship like crazy I will dedicate a whole blog to my memories here!

Last night I was told I looked like Selena Gomez…

Nope… don’t see it. I’ll take it though.

So yesterday was super super weird. I am sitting on my couch watching Gilmore Girls when someone comes pounding on my door. I open it up to see a police officer who proceeds to tell me that he is there answering the 911 call from my house… “Um, Officer, I am home alone and I can promise you I didn’t call 911. As a matter of fact, our house phone doesn’t even work.” … he understands, looks as confused as I do, pages the station, we sit there and think about it, then he leaves. I go downstairs to our only house phone and pick it up… there is no dial tone. I tell one of my friends and his caring response was “Nice knowin ya.”

Well after carrying around a butchers knife for the rest of the day, I decide something funky is going on but I don’t think there would be a murderer in my house calling 911 for me. Maybe just a ghost.

Well, fast forward to 5:20 am that night/next morning. I am disturbed from my peaceful sleep to someone pounding on my front door and shining lights in our windows. WTF? I look outside to see cop cars. Seriously? My mom is home this time so I get her — she thought someone was trying to break in — told her it was the cops again, and we went downstairs. “Hi girls, sorry to bother you, we’re here to answer your 911 call.” … UM HII! It is 5:30am. You can tell we both were passed out. WE DIDN’T CALL 911. It is not the cops’ fault. They were simply serving their duty and protecting us… but who is dialing 911 from my house!? The cats?!

I’m gonna go wiiiithhh… no, it was not my cats.


Well well, what a week it has been. I ended up at a Pure Romance party last night… I thought I was going to my friends house to have a girls night and ya know, swim, drink cocktails… little did I know that was what I was in for.

Have a great weekend friendsies. Catch ya on the flipp! (unless I die in my haunted house)   (its gonna be like the little boy who cried wolf! the cops wont come!) (omg my street’s name is wolf. IRONY) (omg it is Friday the 13) (omg i have a black cat)

do you see it in these pictures? i am getting told i look like her more now and i still cant really see it…

not even close. goodnight.

Oh, the life I lead.

Sure doesn’t feel like a Monday today.

This weekend was phenominal. I hate to be the sappy,  mushy and annoying girl, but here it comes. I am so unbelievably lucky. I have this amazing boyfriend and just had the perfect weekend. Saturday he took me to Pittsburgh. I love city life –Chicago, NYC and above all else, Boston — and surprisingly enough I have never made it to Cleveland’s rival city. Sean loves Pitt as much as I love Boston, which, you will learn in time, is a heck of a lot.

When I first met Sean I was drawn to him because he was really intelligent. Our first nights talking he talked about arts and reading and what not (gosh I sound like such a dork) and I absolutely loved it. We started our perfect day out at the Carnegie Museum right there in Pitt. He wowed me with his knowledge about all of the historical aspects of the art world. If that isn’t awesome I don’t know what is. After that he took me to a restaurant he loves which is similar to Cleveland’s Panini’s, Primanti Brothers. Mmm, fries on a sandwhich 🙂 After that we went shopping and sight seeing at Station Square.

I must admit that it is a beautiful city.

After that we went north of Pitt for a pitstop (heh heh) at JOHNNY ROCKETSSSS! [side note: I used to work at a Johnny Rockets when I was 16. Served there for a couple of years — best couple years of my life. I am obsessed.] Anyways, Sean has never even seen a Johnny Rockets so it would have been a sin to not go. Another side note… Johnny Rockets’ Twitter account had a contest the other day (National Hamburger Day) and the first so many people to Tweet their favorite burger won a free meal. Of course I entered and won. However my smart self forgot the coupon at home. Drats. Guess that means we have to make another visit 😀 We did have some rootbeer floats though! Mmm!

The next day was dedicated to watching golf but we took a break to go to my favorite turtle pond and he also took me fourwheeling for my first time!


Pfft look at me in a Pittsburgh Pirates shirt. (it is his, I promise!) Sorry Tribe!

Speaking of the Tribe, today was the annual Cleveland Indians Charity Golf Outing at Quail Hollow. I woke up at 4:15 this morning. Earliest I’ve ever been up. It was a blast though. There were a lot of Cleveland celebrities — Tom Hamilton, Kenny Lofton, Dave Burba… the list goes on and on. A lot of players were there too… I love athletes! I spent the day eating hibachi grilled steak and chicken, sippin on margaritas and cruising around in a golf cart. What a way to start the week!

Okay so like I said, I have been up since 4:15. It is definitely bed time.

Turtles & Neil Diamond.


It it Thursday. Thank the Lord for Thursdays.

I just got a text from Kristy asking if we could watch Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2. Talk about making my day even more exciting.

This past weekend my Brook Park Girlfriends and I ventured off to Windsor, Canada. Let me just say I am shocked how we made it back alive. First off, we pull into Snow Road’s new Dunkin Donuts to order some java for the +2 hour ride (with Valerie driving–eeek!) and we had to do four separate orders… ya know, not to be annoying or anything. Kristy ordered her mocha something or another from the backseat and when the worker couldn’t hear her, Kristy decided to scream out her order. That only pissed the Donut Lady off so she refused to take our orders. Thanks a lot, Kristy. Thankfully some fellow Midpark alum also worked there and she gladly took our orders and laughed it off 🙂 So after that error before we even got on the highway, we took off en route to another country.

While crossing the border, our border patrol man asked us if we usually travel in a wolf pack. Man, gotta love when jokes never get old.

Anyhoo… while planning the trip in prior months, we were praying to Allah that there would be somewhere we could do karaoke. Low & behold right across the street from our Holiday Inn that sold condoms in the vending machine was none other than a karaoke bar. SCORE! As you could guess, this led to me making a complete and total ass of myself & I also lost my voice. Good news is I definitely did “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and I could not be more proud. My BPG & I also did a lovely performance of “I Am Woman,” just as planned.

We also met a lot of people from Ohio. How did we do that, you ask. Where ever there was people there was me yelling “O-H!” Worked every time.

I will leave my Canada story at that.

This week I also decided to put on my Chef hat and make dinner for Boyfriend & my mom. I made a delicious pepperoni & green pepper pizza with stuffed crust. Mmm! I am hungry just thinking about it. I even made my own sauce (kinda). Brings me back to the days of working at Georgio’s. I love pizza, what can I say?

Last night I went out to Youngstown to visit Boyfriend. He took me to my favorite place down there which happens to be this gorgeous park that has a pond fiiilled with turtles. I am determined to catch one and keep it as a pet. The best thing ever happened when we were there though. Someone nearby (maybe a concert? or a house party) was playing music and “Sweet Caroline” came on! Hello favorite song. So the night could not have been more perfect. Boyfriend, turtles and Sweet Caroline. How romantic 😛 There are also killer geese at this place. We survived. After the park he took me around all the bad parts of Y-Town and showed me where to go if I ever want to be murdered.

Here is a picture of my boyfriend with a turtle.

Lol JK that is not my boyfriend.

So I have been going to the same hair dresser for 8 years now (minus a small break when he gave me bangs to “look like uma thurman”) But anyways, I love him. He is hilarious, gorgeous and straight. I love the salon he works at too. It is owned by his brother (also hilarious, gorgeous and straight) and is filled with many other hilarious, gorgeous and straight men & women. I sign on to facebook the other day to read his status that HE IS DONE AT HIS SALON!?!? What the? Of course every single one of his FB friends (oh yeah, a year ago he told me he will never get a facebook. lol.) questioned his decision. Turns out, my man is opening up his new place! I am SO STOKED! He sent me a message the other day telling me this amazing opportunity fell on his lap and he just couldn’t pass it up. He has been telling the FB world all about his new place that will now do manis and pedis and more! Yikes am I excited or what! The only thing is, every time I like one of his status updates regarding his new place, I get about 100 notifications from every other girl who is obsessed with him too.

Speaking of obsessions, I am obsessed with traveling. I don’t care how far or close a destination is; I love going places. Last night’s little trip to Y-Town was good enough for me because I’ve never been to that side of town and it was something new. Earlier this summer I was in Cancun, last week it was Canada and now this weekend Boyfriend is taking me to Pittsburgh! I have this love for Boston that can not be explained, and that is how Boyfriend is towards Pitt so he wants to show me the love. Yay. We’re going to go to the Carnegie Museum and then catch a Pirates game! There is also a Johnny Rockets! YESSS! Perfect weekend here. i. come.

Anyone else have a new love for Shelley Duncan because of his rage at Fenway the other night? What about Steve Smith? Suspended for 2 games. Ha! I love drama on the field.

My two favorite teams hating on each other. Doesn’t get much better.

Have a great weekend everybody. Catch ya on the flip.